Gold drops 30ml

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Gold drops 30ml

Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹140.00.

Emotional excitement over strain or excessive consumption of stimulations coffee, tobacco, alcohol have led to cardiac symptoms, tendency to collapse in hypertension.



Composition : Crategus ox 2x, Cactus g 2x, Arjuna 2x,

Convallaria maj 2x, Camphora 2x, Strophanthus 3x, Aurum mur nat6x


Indications : Emotional excitement, over-strain or excessive

consumption of stimulants (coffee, tobacco, alcohol)

have led to cardiac symptoms, tendency to collapse, in hypertension.


Dosage : 15-30 drops 3 times a day. Often when required during attacks.


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